Saturday, March 07, 2009

At sea in the doctor's office

After listening to my explanation the doctor swiveled his chair around and opened google. And if that weren't enough of a surprise, he followed the first hit straight to wikipedia. Dear dear little man with shoulder length greasy grey hair with a blue and white tight striped t-shirt on underneath his open labcoat. It had seen better days (the labcoat and the sailor shirt).

My medical issue wasn't complicated, I just needed to find out about silica cream, the supposed cure-all for people like me who produce massive amounts of scar tissue from tiny cuts. I waited patiently while he read through half an article on the mineral silica on wikipedia. I felt like stepping in...pointing out some useful medical sources. I love wikipedia as much as the next girl, but I don't go there for medical information. Finally the dear doctor called the pharmacy, holding the phone aside a minute to ask me if silica is a local cream...I was not sure what he meant. So I replied that it is a mineral...not a it should be available everwhere. On reflection, I think he was probably asking if it should be applied locally, on the skin. Yeesh.