Monday, August 31, 2009

Strange and startling

oh I am fickle. It's been so long since I blogged here. I was swayed by popular opinion, blogging to please friends and family with a sappy travel blog on the side. I miss dishing freely, and I really miss sharing (and bitching about) my public library experiences. And keeping track of what I read... I have read so many books since March that I have now completely forgotten. Just because daily life has slowed down and I sit mostly alone in an office of Nordic university doesn't mean I can't keep blogging. I promise to try harder. I know it's good for my soul.

And my soul needs what is good for it right now because these have been difficult times. Mom is sick, parents are divorcing, there was no one else to come home and help during her second round of treatment. Life is frail but it is also absurd, so that's what I will try to keep writing about.

A few months ago I posted a blog entry with a university blog that is supposed to be both fun and academic (ha ha ha ha) and just today noticed that someone commented on my entry, which I signed with my full name. The comment was short and sweet but the pseudonym said much more to me. Does anyone know who Barney Snaith is? Fictional character of my school girl fantasies? Any L.M. Montgomery lovers out there? Very few people in the world know what that name means to me. Perhaps only one or two or maybe three...Either way, a voice from my past decided to use a meaningful pseudonym to comment on my writing ability on a public -work related blog. It was respectful but also strange and startling. I think they wanted me to know who they are, or at least to narrow it down.