Friday, July 14, 2006

Three small tumbling boys come trotting into the library. They survey their surroundings, zigzagging in a rag tag manner back and forth jostling one another. One spots something on the staff picks book display, and literally drags his pals over, saying "Put on your goggles" (they are fresh in from the pool) One boy does, yellow goggles in place, he stands in front of the book display, as his companion chants, "Look look!" All three boys burst into simultaneous expressions of disgust, exclaiming, "Eeeewwwww!" The boys boys swing away as if stung, with mischievous grins....

Bewildered I wander over to see what part of my newly replenished display of staff picks has offended them! This is the book cover! Oh. I hadn't even given it a thought when I put it on display...!

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