Thursday, December 28, 2006

Several Suggestions

"The library is wonderful except there is too muchfiction/unrealistic/make-believe material. It takes up valuable shelf space. 89% of all fiction is junk food. True?"

At the top of a comment card: Please take a moment and let us know what we are doing right or wrong. Patron rossed out "let us know" and replaced with "pray" = Please take amoment and let us pray about what we are doing right or wrong. Still filled out a suggestion.

"All fiction books should be marked/described as not real. Fictionwriters are too often sicko's, culture terrorists, or hateful people. Sorry for my writing" (messy)

Darn it, another comment said that we are making crappy fiction "too available" - ha, ha, ha. Yeah right. Try getting on the holds list for a Giller Nominee. I'm just getting them now, and of course, three in one day.

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