The park across the street has become a haven for bagpipe practice, yet again. The strains of a weak winded child rushing through a series of notes erupts again. This very moment, but endearly the child is now visiting with a wheelchair bound elderly person with a guide dog. Aaah, community at work.
Several other ridiculous things happened today. I wish they happened at work, but unfortunately I am congested beyond belief and only lasted a half-hour in the confines of the library but deducing that my feverish state demanded bed rest. So this morning, when I headed to work, there was a dead bird on my car. It had been picked clean except for it's head, but the skeleton was fully intact, laying on my trunk. What was I to do but drive off, anxiously checking the rearview mirror, wondering if anyone could make an ICBC claim for damage done by a dead bird flying off my car and hitting their car? I don't know where I lost it, but when I arrived at the destination, it was gone.
The last bizarre thing that happened, was that this morning I hid in my apartment before leaving for work. I cowered in the hall, peeking through the eyehole, avoiding my new neighbours, two laughing, snickering yoga instructor types from former hometown and highschool days. Out of all the places to move in this city, highschool comes back to bite me in the ass, and they move across the hall from me. Neither were ever nice, in fact, both could be a little mean back in the day. One of them responsible for many unkind comments in the school year book's "Most Likely Too..." page- and I am not sharing what my entry was. La dee dah, and here I am, I am a librarian (I can just hear them snickering!)...Ugh...mayhaps I can plot revenge? Or, more in keeping with my character, simply continue with the avoidance strategy. Only one more month.
Current Reading:
An Abundance of Katherines by John Green (more to come on this later)
Book I put down, and don't have time to go back to:
Ysabel by Guy Gavriel Kay
Audiobook in my Car Stereo:
A Room with a View
Unfinished Book Review Title:
undisclosed but dull, can I review it without finishing it?
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