Thursday, March 27, 2008


Timbuktu by Paul Aster

I have to admidt that I skimmed a great deal of the first half. The rantings of a the dog's companion and lifelong love, a homeless man, were just too monotonous and familiar for those of us who have worked in public libraries. This book truly took flight for me in the last few chapters. This is sometimes the case when one enjoys the prose but not the topic.

"Paula loved the house but she didn't love Dick. This had become manifestly clear to Mr. Bones, and although Polly herself didn't know it yet, it wouldn't be long before the truth finally came crashing down on top of her. That was why she needed Mr. Bones, and because he loved her more than nay other living person in the world, he was glad to serve as her confidant and sounding board. There was no one else to fill this role for her, and even though he was a mere dog who could neither counsel her nor answer her questions, his simple presence as an ally was enough to giver her the courage to take certain steps she might not have taken otherwise."

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