Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Quips and Quotes

Well, now that I've been out in the working world for approximately 3 months, it's time to go back to school. No, not really. It's time for the graduation festivities to begin. I return to University in May for the official convocation, and in the meantime many of my friends at library school are wrapping up and beginning their own job hunt. In celebrations of this special time, an unknown source has kindly provided a few quotations from our time at library school.

All of the following are direct quotes from library/archive professors while teaching:

"I often unnecessarily complicate things."

"I like going on these tangents all the time."

"My searching is incredibly inefficient." [said while demonstrating an online search]

"Let's see, I can't remember anything."

"It is a great time to be an archivist because the world is such a mess."

"Listen to the records." [not the musical kind...]

"Archival science is like a mongrel discipline."

"I tried to be a gigolo, but I starved!"

"I would desperately try to keep sexual material out of there."

"You can write a mission statement about yourself."

"A CEO banned PowerPoint in his organization."

My apologies to those who fail to say the humour, again, it is the context that makes these quotations incredibly funny.... I actually had to put my head down once or twice during classes to muffle my hilarity.

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