Hi, I need a book of experiments.
For a science fair?
Well actually inventions.
Like the lightbulb, in history?
Well, inventions that I can invent.
Oh, a book of things that haven't been invented yet?
Storytime Antics:
The plan was to wear pajamas in the library during preschool storytime. A mere half hour of penguin clad fun, complete with fuzzy slippers. I don't know where this need to ham it up came from, perhaps it was repressed for many years. I don't know, what do you think? Well I had a few reactions:
A coworker - sneer and titter
Manager - You are going to wear your clothing underneath right?? (no, the flannel will be enough, maybe she envisioned me in something more scant)
Small Boy afterwards- Do you live here?
All the children - You are still in your pajamas! You didn't get dressed yet!!
Everyone else was quite nice! Of course, it was only half an hour!
1. I didn't want to hear about our oldish baldish male library director's foray into the Amsterdam red light district as a wee lad.
2. I also didn't want to hear about cat hairball remedies.
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