Thursday, March 22, 2007

Time is Relative

Today I got a Library Journal from May 1st, 2006. That's how far down the routing list I was. Almost a year.

One positive thing about Daylight Savings happening early...My watch is back on time. It's been one hour ahead since the last daylight savings. Now it's bang on. Proof that sometimes if you do nothing at all, things sort themselves out.

How many books can I check out and not read before they are due back again? A lot. How many did I add to my take-home pile in one workingday? Four. I'm thirsty for time to read!

Is 8:15 in the morning too early to plug in your amp and start playing guitar? I know it's a weekday but isn't 9:00am the norm? I happened to be working a late shift today, and was hoping to catch a little extra sleep, fighting this cold and all. I tapped my handy high heel against the floor in a congested cold induced fervor this morning, and heard my neighbour scream a resounding f*** off! Through the floor. Spent half an hour plotting revenge (like wearing heels in my house, or once again turning the base on the stereo - both things not done on request of those below)- before admitting that my neighbours are too scary to mess with, even if we are moving shortly.

I am 28th on the list for Ysabel by G.G.Kay. I will not get to read this book before leaving the country.
PS- regarding lovely illustration - that's me in the morning... (by Jeremy Tankard- children's illustrator)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who DOESN'T feel like Bird in the morning? It's funny because it's true (not that I'm ever grumpy when I wake up, of course). Thanks for the kind mention! Have a great day.