Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Lavender's Blue

This is the most beautiful collection of nursery rhymes that I have ever seen. I covet it. Originally published in 1954 by Oxford University Press, the gorgeous and often full colour illustrations by Harold Jones make this a wonderful book to keep in any collection.

"A wise old owl lived in an oak;
The more he saw the less he spoke.
The less he spoke the more he heard:
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?"

This one reminded me of the entries in my grandmother's autograph book. Apparently such books were all the rage on the prairies in the 1930's. The children would write clever little sayings to each other - which they memorized in class and used to practice their handwriting. One of the pithy little sayings that I still love ...

Love many.
Trust few.
And learn to paddle
Your own canoe!

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